Taking the Portuguese context as its motto, the MeDeMAP project consortium meets in Lisbon to reflect on the media and media systems today. The panel brings together journalists, researchers and NGOs.
On March 8, between 10:00 and 12:00, a roundtable will be held at Lusófona University – University Centre of Lisbon, under the theme “Media and Democracies – Strengths, Threats and Opportunities”. The initiative, organized within the third MeDeMAP project meeting, will discuss the current state of democracy in the media and the future challenges and opportunities leveraged by new tools and technologies (e.g. Artificial Intelligence).
The initiative features a panel made up of journalists, researchers and members of NGOs working to promote Media Literacy:
– Karla Pequenino, journalist and reporter at the newspaper Público in the areas like technology, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and social media;
– Mariana Lameiras, researcher at the United Nations University focusing on issues related to the regulatory bodies of the state media and power relations in Portugal since the establishment of the democratic regime;
– Isabel Nery, vice-president of the Journalists’ Union, journalist and researcher in areas such as politics, media and human rights and member of the Executive Committee of the Media Literacy and Journalism association;
– Manuel Pita, assistant teacher at Lusófona University and integrated researcher at CICANT in the areas of artificial intelligence, social network, dynamics and meditation of information processes;
– Ricardo Cabral Fernandes, director of Setenta e Quatro, journalist who has dedicated himself to investigating the Portuguese far-right and its international connections.
The event, which will take place in English, is open to the community and is free to attend, subject to prior registration using this form. It will take place at the Fernando Lopes Cinema.
Held in the week of the legislative elections, and considering the current political and socio-economic context, this roundtable seeks to promote reflection on the relationship between the media and democracies, in the way it affects the journalistic sector, business, education and life itself in society.